
Anna Maria Kowalik

Anna Maria Kowalik is responsible for business development and deal originations for Inland Green Capital LLC (IGC), a capital provider for commercial C-PACE projects and part of The Inland Real Estate Group of Companies, Inc.  Named 2022 Globe St. Elite Woman of Influence in the Finance Executive category

During her time with IGC she has been instrumental in the closing of the first three C-PACE deals in the State of Illinois, and numerous others since Illinois’ C-PACE Program inception in 2019; and, also, cultivating relationships and deals across the nation.

Anna Maria possesses 25 years’ experience in the Commercial Real Estate and Property Management industries, including with a former Inland REIT where she oversaw portfolios of over 30 retail properties consisting of 3.4 million square feet with more than 500 tenants, and budgets close to a quarter billion dollars.  
