
Rebekah Carlson

Rebekah (Bekah) President & CEO of Carlson Integrated, founded in 2017 after 14 years in-house at a commercial real estate investment firm where she served as the director of marketing and business development. 

Rebekah is an Illinois Licensed Real Estate Managing Broker and Past President and current Board Member of the Northern Illinois Commercial Association of Realtors®, an organization for which she was named Realtor® of the Year in 2017.  Bekah was named one of Connect Media’s 2020 Women in Real Estate in Chicago.  She is a member of ICSC (Innovative Commerce Serving Communities) and the Vice President of Education for the Mundelein Toastmasters.  

Moreover, she is a mom to three middle-and-high-school students, a Sunday School teacher, and an avid connector. 

Talks about #marketing, #cremarketing, and #commercialrealestate
